2016: Blogging

I don’t really do new year resolutions, but in 2016 I am planning on getting a few things done. One of my main efforts for the next 12 months or so is to get back into writing and blogging.  

Rather than setting a series of unrealistic goals that are unworkable around my life and job, I’m starting things off fairly simply: one post per week through the year. Some will be long and in depth, some only a couple of paragraphs. But the advice I’ve seen most often when it comes to writing is to write, so that’s what I’m going to do.  

Comments, disagreements or compliments are always welcome, as is any constructive criticism. Also if there are any questions or things that would be of interest, I’d be happy to hear them too.  

The first post of the year is going to be fitness related, and should be along in a couple of days.